Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in

Anthem, a song by Leonard Cohen

Our wounds are the place where the light enters us.

We all have shadow parts we don't like and sometimes we are very unaware of them. Individual therapy can be illuminating in terms of these shadows. We can learn to see the gift in them because life is always trying to teach us something about ourselves and others.

Sometimes our automatic thoughts can be so damaging and we have never stopped to reflect on where they come from - how we learned to think and feel a certain way about ourselves. We can get stuck on blaming others because we are afraid to change or we engage in bad habits because we feel unworthy or not enough.

Individual therapy can be about giving yourself time and space to be with yourself and allow your therapist to bear witness to your inner world. Most people who work on themselves in this way therefore have a stronger sense of who they are, what they want and where they are going. It can help us to have a deeper understanding of our lives and ourselves.